ECDC Mpox Webpage    

  WHO EURO Mpox webpage    

Surveillance summary

In the last three months, 715 cases have been reported from 24 countries and areas. Over the past 4 weeks, 246 cases of mpox have been identified from 20 countries and areas.

Since 7 March 2022, a total of 28 872 cases of mpox (formerly named monkeypox) have been identified through IHR mechanisms, official public sources and The European Surveillance System (TESSy) up to 14 January 2025, 14:00, from 47 countries and areas throughout the WHO European Region. Case-based data were reported for 28 632 cases from 42 countries and areas to ECDC and the WHO Regional Office for Europe through TESSy, up to 14 January 2025, 10:00. Of the 28 632 cases reported in TESSy, 28 446 were laboratory confirmed.

The majority of cases were male (98%; n = 28 551) with the most affected age group being 31–40 years-old (39%; n = 28 588). Of the 12 872 male cases with known sexual behaviour, 97% were reported as men who have sex with men. Among cases with known HIV status, 37% (n = 12 149) were HIV-positive. The majority of cases presented with a rash (91%; n = 10 203). Systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, muscle pain, chills, or headache were present in 53% of cases (n = 10 203). There were 941 cases hospitalised (7%), of which 303 cases required clinical care. Nine cases were admitted to ICU, and 9 cases were reported to have died.

Since August 2024, 16 cases of clade 1b have been detected in 5 countries. All these cases either travelled themselves or are close contacts of travelers from countries with known local transmission of clade Ib.

An overview of the global situation can be found here:



This report provides an overview of the total number of cases of mpox (formerly named monkeypox) identified by ECDC and the WHO Regional Office for Europe through IHR mechanisms and official public sources and case-based data through The European Surveillance System (TESSy) up to 14 January 2025.

The first summary table and maps (first two tabs) describe the number of cases identified through the different platforms. The following figures and tables describe national case-based data for surveillance of mpox reported in TESSy from all the countries and areas of the WHO European Region, including the 27 countries of the European Union (EU) and the additional three countries of the European Economic Area (EEA).

Case Report Form Data are submitted through the case-based record type mpox (MPX) to The European Surveillance System (TESSy) database hosted at ECDC.



Summary of number of cases of mpox identified through IHR mechanisms and official public sources and reported to TESSy, WHO European Region, 2022–2025

Countries and areas reporting new cases in the past 4 ISO weeks are highlighted in blue

¹ All references to Kosovo in this document should be understood to be in the context of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).


Since August 2024, 16 cases of clade 1b have been detected in 5 countries.

All these cases either travelled themselves or are close contacts of travelers from countries with known local transmission of clade Ib.



Geographical distribution of confirmed mpox cases in the EU/EEA, Western Balkans and Türkiye, since the previous report as of 14 Jan 2025

Geographical distribution of cumulative confirmed mpox cases per 1 000 000 population in the EU/EEA, Western Balkans and Türkiye, as of 14 Jan 2025



Overall by date of notification


Overall number of cases of mpox, per date of notification, for the whole period and zoom on the last year, WHO European Region, TESSy


Overall number of cases of mpox, per date of notification, for the whole period and zoom on the last year, EU/EEA countries, TESSy

By date of onset and by country or area


Number of cases of mpox, per day and per country of notification, WHO European Region, TESSy, in the last year

Countries highlighted in the legend are the 8 countries with the highest peak of daily cases in the last year (moving average).

Date of notification is defined as the date when the case report is notified for the first time to the place of notification, date of diagnosis is defined as the first date of clinical or laboratory diagnosis, and date of onset as the date of onset of any symptoms.


Number of cases of mpox, per day and per country of notification, EU/EEA countries, TESSy, in the last year

Countries highlighted in the legend are the 8 countries with the highest peak of daily cases in the last year (moving average).

Date of notification is defined as the date when the case report is notified for the first time to the place of notification, date of diagnosis is defined as the first date of clinical or laboratory diagnosis, and date of onset as the date of onset of any symptoms.



Summary of number of probable and confirmed cases of mpox as well as deaths, by reporting country/area, WHO European Region, TESSy, 2022–2025


Summary of number of probable and confirmed cases of mpox as well as deaths, by reporting country/area, EU/EEA countries, TESSy, 2022–2025



Age and gender distribution of cases of mpox, WHO European Region, TESSy, in the last year, based on date of symptom onset (or earliest of date of diagnosis or notification if missing)

Gender from 4 cases is reported as Other and these cases are not depicted on this graph. Information on gender is missing for 7 cases and information on age is missing for 10 cases.

Data on gender is collected as Female, Male, Other (e.g., transgender man, transgender woman and collected as free text), or Unknown.


Age and gender distribution of cases of mpox, EU/EEA countries, TESSy, in the last year, based on date of symptom onset (or earliest of date of diagnosis or notification if missing)

Gender from 2 cases is reported as Other and these cases are not depicted on this graph. Information on gender is missing for 2 cases and information on age is missing for 4 cases.

Data on gender is collected as Female, Male, Other (e.g., transgender man, transgender woman and collected as free text), or Unknown.



Distribution of symptoms among those reporting at least one type of symptom (N=10203), WHO European Region, TESSy, in the last year

The median time between symptom onset and diagnosis was 7 days.

*Fever, fatigue, muscle pain, chills, headache


Distribution of symptoms among those reporting at least one type of symptom (N=9565), EU/EEA countries, TESSy, in the last year

The median time between symptom onset and diagnosis was 6 days.

*Fever, fatigue, muscle pain, chills, headache



Summary of outcome and HIV status of cases, WHO European Region, TESSy, in the last year

*Includes cases hospitalized for isolation or treatment (8 cases were hospitalized for isolation purposes, 25 required clinical care and 36 were hospitalized for unknown reasons).


Summary of outcome and HIV status of cases, EU/EEA countries, TESSy, in the last year

*Includes cases hospitalized for isolation or treatment (8 cases were hospitalized for isolation purposes, 21 required clinical care and 35 were hospitalized for unknown reasons).



Summary of reported sexual behaviour among male cases of mpox, WHO European Region, TESSy, in the last year

Sexual behaviour in TESSy is defined according to the following non-mutually exclusive categories:

  • Heterosexual, sex with members of the opposite sex
  • Men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • Women who have sex with women (WSW)
  • Bisexual
  • Other
  • No applicable
  • Unknown or undetermined

Sexual behaviour is not necessarily representative of the gender of the person the case had sex with in the past 21 days nor does it imply sexual contact or sexual transmission.


Summary of reported sexual behaviour among male cases of mpox, EU/EEA countries, TESSy, in the last year

Sexual behaviour in TESSy is defined according to the following non-mutually exclusive categories:

  • Heterosexual, sex with members of the opposite sex
  • Men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • Women who have sex with women (WSW)
  • Bisexual
  • Other
  • No applicable
  • Unknown or undetermined

Sexual behaviour is not necessarily representative of the gender of the person the case had sex with in the past 21 days nor does it imply sexual contact or sexual transmission.

Disclaimers and Acknowledgments


We gratefully acknowledge the Nextstrain team, the authors, originating and submitting laboratories of the genetic sequences and metadata (NCBI Genbank) for sharing their work.